Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

They say it is better to be poor and happy than rich and miserable, but how about a compromise like moderately rich and moody?† – Princess Diana Diana Frances Spencer was born July 1, 1961 at Park House near Sandringham, Norfolk, United Kingdom. (Story) Diana was the youngest of John Spencer and Frances Shand Kydd’s children. Elizabeth Sarah Lavinia, was born 1955, now known as Lady Sarah McCorquodale. Cynthia Jane, was born 1957, now Lady Fellowes. John, who died ten hours after birth in 1960, and Charles Edward Maurice, born 1964, currently the ninth Earl of Spencer. The family lived in Park House on the Sandringham estate. She was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood in the ancestry. (Coggins) When Diana was age six the Spencer’s marriage ended in a divorce which resulted in a complicated custody battle. Her father, the eighth Earl of Spencer raised Diana. (Pettinger) He eventually remarried Raine, Countess of Dartmouth, novelist, Barbara Cartland’s daughter. (Coggins) Diana, along with the rest of her siblings didn’t get along with her stepmother. Diana’s mother eventually m arried Peter Shand-Kydd, becoming The Honorable Mrs. Frances Shand-Kydd. The couple went to live on the island of Seil, Scotland. Diana first attended a preparatory school in Riddlesworth Hall at Diss, Norfolk and a boarding school in West Heath Sevenoaks, Kent. (Story) Diana wasn’t a particularly smart student. She failed all of her O-levels twice and later dropped out at the age of sixteen. She had talents in music, dancing, and domestic science. (Story) She was eventually awarded maximum help to school and school peers. She finished her schooling at Institut Alpin Videmanette in Rougemont, Switzerland. (Story) After Diana left school, she mo... ...ning of Diana’s death. In an unprecedented gesture, she announced the Union Jack would fly at half-mast at Buckingham Palace. It only took forty-five minutes for the Queen to completely reinvent her role in Diana’s ending. She went from being invisible, to being the very center of a large farewell drama to the kingdom’s beloved Princess. She was very annoyed when the press reported her new approachability was perhaps the â€Å"Diana effect.† As brief as this young woman’s life had been here on this earth, she had managed to touch so many people. She brought changes to people lives for the better. Diana was indeed a â€Å"Queen of the people’s hearts!† â€Å"Princess Diana, your heart of sympathy covers the length and breadth of the world. There shall come a time when the entire world will value you most sincerely, most lovingly and most wholeheartedly." – Sri Chinmoy (Pettinger)

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